Herb patch just outside the front door.
Yes, that was the point of startin' my saucy garden but never realized how far this freedom thing could really go. (If you have followed the story on Facebook, Twitter or even Instagram you have noticed the name changed from #mysmallgarden or #mysaucygarden to #mysaucysquashgarden.
So many squash!
So little time and jars!
Yes, I wanted to work my way out of the grocery store and not pay high prices for the food that I was just goin' to eat and eventually poop out. I have a hard time with spendin' a lot of money on such things. I know, I know food is a necessity but do I really need to pay more then half my life savin's to support my necessity problem? I think not.
What I didn't bargain for was the total thoughts of freedom that has begun to fill my mind! I am a girl that doesn't like to work, nor do I like to work hard. Ok. I better clarify that statement. If I start a project for my own personal enjoyment, or purpose then I will work hard at seein' it finished. The garden is the perfect example of this idea. I will work endlessly on waterin' or cannin' but weedin' somewhere else for people that don't enjoy their gardens is harder for me to justify. I get the work done and I do a good job but it really isn't the same. Time restrictions or competency have slowed some projects but when I look to the bigger picture the finished projects will only add to the outcome of total food freedom.
Taking down the fence and revealing the back yard.
More clean-up is needed! Need to plant more food!
I have a yard of unfinished garden projects but that will not detour me from always startin' new ones and improvin' on the already existin' ones. Boobie pink garden boxes for instance. I have 12 foot pieces of wood that are painted a lovely shade of boobie pink pointin' to the sky waiting to be cut down and screwed together. They have been leanin' up against the house, the fence and the shed for a month and I have grown fond of the color! My schedule sometimes doesn't match others and so they sit waitin' for construction day. Those lovely boards will see there full potential soon! Sorry neighbors.
Beautiful boobie pink garden boxes in the making.
Gobs of left over paint from the shed created such a gorgeous pink color ;)
The garden has not been a group effort, it has been truly a one woman dance and for that I am thankful. Don't get me wrong the black boys have done their fair share of pullin' "weeds" aka salad greens, collard greens and such but the overall effort has been a solo show.
Findin' that I can pull together almost three hundred square feet of toiled dirt and produce some pretty amazin' photos and tasty food has truly been an eye opener and a challenge that has been very rewardin'.
As I have learned ... the best way to do anythin' is to do it myself.
To be self-reliant.
There comes a personal freedom in the process of doin' things alone. No one else has the ambition to run out every mornin' and pick what is ripe. (Right after a few camera shots get clicked off). No one else has the excitement of watchin' yet another zucchini ripen in late August like I do and frankly my heart is alright with that. Others in the house will benefit from the food but it is up to me to keep it all growin' and producin'.
What I am really gettin' at is ... it's nice to be livin' in the freedom that I have always dreamt about. Livin' in this new freedom is allowin' the life that I have always wanted. Free from excessive bills and the credit card trap. Free from runnin' off every mornin' to a job I hate and freedom to make better choices based on the plans I set for myself. There are the day-to-day rituals of goin' to work but even that has taken on a new emotional energy. Relief rather then stress, calmness instead of dread, 3 hours of gardenin' for someone rather than 8 eight hours of pure hell workin' for the dreams of others.
I am livin' in MY fantasy!
I am at the start of livin' in MY dreams!
No longer are the words "if only" rollin' off my tongue. No longer am I blamin' others for what I am not gettin' or what I am needin'. Takin' the monster blackberry and wrestin' it to the ground you could say. There is no more dark shadows lingerin' over me, forcin' me to choose between fresh or canned, suckin' me in to eatin' the wrong foods or shoppin' for the sodium-filled-boxes that line the shelves because that is what I can afford. No more goin' hungry.
Trust me, you wont see me runnin' off to join some major radical group pushin' their "believe-us-we-are-right" agenda now, nor will you see words come across your screen tryin' to convince you into somethin' that you really don't desire either. Your freedoms are different then mine. Ahhh ... but you will find me mixin' and stirin' in some kelp meal in my compost for the trace minerals that the body needs.
The cost of freedom isn't cheep. It doesn't cost a buck o' five. There are consequences and hard choices that lead to givin' up one thing for somethin' better. Makin' the sacrifice of not growin' eggplant but more tomatoes for salsa, for example.
This saucy squash garden has fought many battles this summer and has won many victories but there has been a few battles that we couldn't win, a few give an takes that were hard pressed. The corn suffered dearly under the leadership of the flies and in a matter of hours was completely devastated, only a few young ears were salvaged. Each lesson that was learned this summer will only prove that this whole adventure was worth while, it will drive me to learn more about fruits and veggies, and it will keep the momentum goin' through the cold winter months.
Next years plans for the garden are already underway. Design plans have been thought out but not yet put to paper. New 2x12's, recycled doors and 4x4's have been collected, purchased, or rummaged so that the new plantin' boxes will begin to take form. In this case the small little victories and the loses of this year has brought on the excitement to build more freedoms and to build a bigger better garden. My hope runs deep but most of all my actions are propellin' me closer to livin' and experiencin' other freedoms that are needed for better health in all aspects of life.
You could say the biggest changes have been findin' the gumption needed to turn the grass to soil, the inertia to seed and care for the starts, and the stamina to see each leafy plant to the compost bin. Now there are bigger changes on the horizon. So I continue to dream, plan, and produce mass amounts of squash!
No more miracle wishin'.
No more searchin' for a new body to fall from the sky.
No more prayin' for a way out of my sickness. I have found the answers.
... and I have found my healthy eatin' freedom.